Mission 2 : Process

Mission 2

For the culture mission in Creative Digital Media I decided to do it on the internet of things with group members Aoibhe and Kain Bradley. We delegated responsibilities between us and together we were able to collaborate together to successful produce a satisfactory presentation.


The goals of this mission was to work diligently in a team and for each member to understand and accomplish their responsibilities adequately. We wanted to learn and understand the world of the internet of things. The origin, history, pros, cons and what the future holds involved with the internet of things. We then wanted to create a presentation with the intention of portraying the knowledge and research we had just undergone to allow the audience to also understand and be in the with the previously mentioned aspects of the internet of things.

End Product
The end product we hoped to produce was a creative, clean and informative presentation, ideally in power point, about the internet of things. We wanted to inform the audience of what the internet of things is, what it can be, what it most likely will be and how it effects and will effect their lives. This was gonna be achieved with a combination of text and images on screen with each member of the group speaking for the parts of the presentation they were responsible for.

Certain websites were used to research elements of the internet of things. This allowed an expert opinion to be influencing this presentation and ensured a sufficient view on the matter can be reached. The websites I used were https://www.kidscodecs.com/what-is-internet-of-things/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_thingshttps://www.vox.com/2015/1/15/11557782/a-beginners-guide-to-understanding-the-internet-of-thingshttps://www.theguardian.com/media-network/2014/nov/06/internet-of-things-data-security to name a few.


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