Mission 1 : Reflection

Mission 1 : The Art of the Animated Gif

For the creativity mission in Creative Digital Media I decided to do it on the art of the animated gif with group members Nasim Slavotic and Shane O'Donnell. We delegated responsibilities between us and together we were able to collaborate together to successful produce a satisfactory presentation.


What I Learned
During this mission I learned that the history of the animated gif goes back farther than I initially believed. I previously believed that animated gifs were a recent phenomenon, until i found out that it was in fact just something that had gone out of fashion and had only recently made a return to form and popularity due the modern conviniency of hand held devices. I allso learned what goes into creating a gif and what modifications can be made in the process. I never previously realised how much detail can go into creating a 3 second clip.

What I Discovered
In this mission I discovered the what goes into making gifs of my own as well as countless facts about the art of the animated gif gained through research. I also discovered the positive and negative aspects of working in a group. Sharing the load on a project is certainly a welcomed accommodation, however there can be difficulties communicating with each other due to the limited time that can be spent with one another.

Overall , I believe the mission was a successful one. Not that it was perfect but I am mostly satisfied with the work, final product and final presentation. I think the recommended thirty hours of work wasn't fully met and that was apparent with the presentation, however I still believe a good job was done. As a first attempt I am happy with the result and I was in agreement with the marking of "satisfactory".

Aspects Most Proud Of
Due to the main involvement, from myself, being with creating gifs and presenting them, I would say I am proud of most of the gifs. Special mention has to go to the gif of me hitting my "friend" in the head with a hammer. Very proud of that one.


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